Friday, May 15, 2009

My best day yet!

Tuesday of this week was, without question, my best day here yet. It was just a wonderful day in every way!
After sleeping in a fair amount, I saw Nick and John off as they went to go visit the local Member of Parliament (similar to visiting a US Senator). Shortly before they left though, I was informed by Nancy that it might be a good idea for me to make some pancakes. I was hoping she would say "John Brown cookies" since this is what Karen and I called the pancakes we made up for the kids when she was here.
Anyway, I love cooking, so I was glad to! Why don't I make pancakes more often, you might be wondering. Well, we don't have the money for it. The reason I made them that morning was because it was a special day: Nancy was going to Mombasa!
For the last 6 weeks we've all been joking that Nancy wants to leave her job here at AMCC to go to Mombasa (the Hawaii-like tourist town in Kenya, on the beach, hot, beautiful). Ironically enough, she DID go to Mombasa, though sadly it was to attend the funeral of the mother of one of the children at AMCC. We couldn't let little Cynthia (2nd grade and sharp as a razor) go the 500 km on her own, and John's back won't allow him to do it, so Nancy was elected to go. And I made pancakes for them to take along on their bittersweet journey (note: both Nancy and John have never been to Mombasa).
After finishing those goodies (I put bananas in them, made them from scratch with my own sugar-infused recipe, and cooked them one at a time over a wood-fire It took 2 hours to make 15 pancakes!)I began to focus on the meal for dinner, which also goes for lunch the next day (we always make double portions to save on time/firewood). It was githeri! This is the most common thing that Nick and I eat at AMCC, because it is the cheapest: maize and beans. We also add in a few onions AND, thanks to people who sent care packages, we spice it up something wonderful every night! I've taught the kids how to use the spices, and now they just go on their own. It's a bit different every night, but always tasty (btw, we're out of spices. If someone wants to donate $ for me to buy spices for AMCC that would rock!)!
I put on the githeri, walked Nancy the first 30 yards down the road, and then began a momentous and pre-legendary time for me: I was ALONE at AMCC!
Nick and I have been joking about what we would do if we were ever alone, and I'll spare you all the details, but it sure was fun. Nick came back soon after I began my party and we reveled in the wonderful rain that fell (and filled up our tank so that we didn't have to go get water). I also listened to my ipod for the first time since arriving at AMCC, and it was AMAZING (mine loses battery fast, and a friend in Nairobi has had it for the last 5 weeks)!
Anyway, Nick left again just after lunch, and I continued enjoying my time alone. The kids began to trickle back in, each as their different grades got out, and eventually it was just me and the kids! We enjoyed one another until Nick got back, talked about the day, and eventually Nick came as well- both brought great news!
First, John said that the local gov't is going to give us enough maize to last us a whole month, and it's supposed to arrive today (Friday). Woohoo! Also, they said that they'll even give us some food next month, since they know that we don't have land and can't be growing any of our own. John's going to ask them to give to us for the next 3 months, and I hope they do.
Second, Nick brought back 4 packages that different people in the states had sent to him and they were AMAZING! They had lots of stuff in them, and cost a bundle to send, but I've never seen the kids so happy in my whole time here. After unpacking and showing them, we all danced and sang for at least an hour straight (longer than Nick and I wanted, since we were hungry and hadn't been without this stuff for quite as long... or ever). Notable for me, there was trail mix, rice crispy treats, and... BEEF JERKY! I have since decided that Black Peppered beef jerky is my favorite food in the world. I come almost to tears eating it.
Anyway, it was just a fantastically beautiful day, and as the kids were singing I just reflected (cause I was pooped) on the sense of the Kingdom of God and rest that I had, it was just beautiful and really cool to see many things coming together for the good of these children. Amen, and praise God alone, who has caused such wonderful things to happen.


  1. Oh Mark! Yay for seeing God in the little things. I wish that I could buy you some beef jerky. I am praying for you as you switch roles and places soon.

  2. sounds like Christmas in May!
